

Top Best CMD Commands For Files & Folder mannagment Command sec 1 CMD part 2


CMD Commands Details

cmd commands

File & Folder CMD Commands are those commands Who are handle Files & Folder activity like delete, copy, cut, permission etc. Previously we Discus About CMD. All about information, now here we will discuss all about Cmd Commands Full Advanced method. 

Types of Commands:

Internal Commands:

            Internal commands are built into the command prompt (CMD) itself, as opposed to external commands, which are located in separate executable files. These commands are used to perform various tasks, such as creating and deleting directories, copying and moving files, and displaying the contents of a directory. Some examples of internal commands include:


            CD (change directory) 

            COPY (copy files or directories)

            DEL (delete files or directories)

            DIR (display the contents of a directory)

            ECHO (display a message or the contents of a variable)

            MKDIR (create a new directory)

            RMDIR (delete an empty directory)

These commands can be used directly from the command prompt, without the need to specify the path to an executable file.

External Commands

            External commands in CMD are commands that are not built into the command prompt itself but are located in separate executable files. These commands are usually found in the system's PATH, which is a list of directories that the command prompt searches for executable files. Some examples of external commands include:


        IPCONFIG (display network configuration)

        PING (test network connectivity)

        TASKLIST (display the list of running processes)

        NETSTAT (display network status)

        TRACERT (trace the route to a remote host)

        FORMAT (format a disk drive)

        CHKDSK (check a disk for errors)

These commands are not built into the command prompt and need to specify the path to the executable file in order to run them.

Previously we know CMD Works in Different Categories Like Disk management, Files & Folder management, User Group Management, Networking, etc. 

So here We Discus Files & Folder management Commands, Categories, and Cmd lists.

Files & Folder management Commands

Example:- Few Files & Folder Management Commands are CD, MD, REN, Etc. 


    cd Stand For Change Directory, which means changing Directory Where You Present Working To another Location.


     CD [..] (Directories Name/Path With Directories Name).


    You Present Working C:/New Folder Now Change To C:/New Folder 2 

cd cmd commands

cmd commands


    Cd C:\New Folder 2

cd cmd commands


    c:\New Folder 2

Tab Completion

    Tab completion allows changing the current folder by entering just part of the path and pressing TAB.

     C:> CD Prog [PRESS TAB] 

      Will go to C:\Program Files\

    Tab Completion is disabled by default; it has been known to create difficulty when using a batch script to process text files that contain TAB characters.

Enable Tab Completion

    Tab Completion is turned on by setting the registry value shown below:


    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor]


          Why Do not change Directory Write cd D:\ in cmd?

  • When you enter the command "cd D:" in the Command Prompt on Windows, it should change the current Directory to the root directory of the D: drive. However, if the command does not work, there could be a few reasons why:

  1. The D: Drive may not be accessible or exist on your system.
  2. The D: Drive may be used by another program or process, preventing you from accessing it.
  3. The command prompt may not have the necessary permissions to access the D: Drive.

How do you Change one Drive To another Drive using Cd Commands on CMD?

  • Syntex:- cd /D (Drive Letter)
  • Example: cd /D E:\
  • Result :- E:\>

    Easy Way To Change Directory


    C:\> (Drive Name):


    C:\> E: 



Alternative CD Commands




    It is Internal Command. MD also Knows as mkdir. It is a synonym for MD. MD Stand For Make Directories. That is also known as creating directories or folders. 


    md [Directories/folders Name] also, you can add a path with a folder Name.

md cmd commands


    md Test

Naming Restrictions

         Commas (,), Semicolon (;), Equals (=), Space ( ) and Tab ( ) can be used in a folder's name, but they must be enclosed in double quotation marks.


                MD "Test Test2" will create a folder called 'Test Test2',

                MD Test=Test2 will create two folders, 'Test' and 'Test2' {If you do not use invited coma(“ ”) hare created two folders}.

                  Do not use: 

                                     Try to avoid to spatial characters in folder names; they are problems when scripting: ©, ®, ", &, ', ^, @.

Note:- The maximum length of the full pathname (folders Name + filename) is 260 characters; this is a limitation of Windows Explorer but not NTFS.

         You cannot create a folders Name with the same name as any following devices used: CON, PRN, LPT1, LPT2 to LPT9, COM1, COM2 to COM9, but here you know How to create this Name of Folders (Click Here)

         We can create more folders at once time.


         After all, you have able to know Files & Folder Management Commands. What are Internal commands? What are External Commands? Some basic commands in detail & their restriction & uses. I hope you will understand. If there is any problem with this, please leave a comment I will reply to them. Thank you so much. Wait for next …..

Happy Learning ❤ 

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