

Micro computer Defination, Types, Uses, History, Features,Advantage, Disadvantage, Examples Question Ans Full Details


Microcomputer is known as a personal computer like as a small computer.

The meaning of the microcomputer is a micro controller. It is used Some appliances such as microwaves, TV, refrigerator, and more. The microcomputer is used it during the 1970s-1980s.

Table Of Content

a) Defination

b) Types of Micro Computer

c) Uses of Micro computer

d) Features Of micro computer

e) Advantage

f) Disadvantage

g) Examples

h) Why microcomputer is called micro?

i) Which is the first micro computer?

Types of Micro computer

  1.   Desktop micro computers
  2.  Notebook or laptop micro computers
  3. Tablet and Smartphone micro computers
  4.  Personal digital assistant and Palmtop

  5. Workstation and Server micro computers
  6. Mini Tower and Full Tower micro computers

Uses of Micro compute 

  1.   Home for Personal Usage:- Micro computers are used in the home such as entertainment (listen music, Watching movies), playing games.
  2. Business:-Microcomputers are vital role in every sectors of business because due to use of this computer, massive paperwork has been reduced through the use of this computer. 
  3.   Medical Sector:-Microcomputers are very useful in the medical purpose to keep all records & all kinds of patients in different areas such as small clinics and hospitals. 

Features of Micro computer

  1. Affordable cost
  2. Small size
  3. Used by single user
  4. Less power consuming
  5. Mostly designed for personal usage
  6. Use single integrated semiconductor chip
  7. Less processing power
  8.  Produce less heat
  9.  Mostly microcomputers are portable

Advantage of Micro computer

  1.   Size: The Micro computers are smaller in the small size as compared to mainframe and supercomputers.
  2.  Making apps: PC is used for making different types of mobile apps. Nowadays every smartphone has to needs apps for better uses. each app in numerous app stores helps mobile users for fulfilling their wants.
  3. Stock Exchange: within the previous days, securities market business is generally done by phone calls. however todayeach capitalist has the package put in on their computer by that they'll buy/sell stocks within the stock exchange.
  4. Maintenance is easy: Most of the computer users is aware of a way to fix the matter within the computer e.g.if there's one thing wrong happen within the computer then you'll merely setup the packagereplacement hardware elements of the computer is additionally straightforward.
  5. Used in businesses: In these days life, each variety of business uses computer for handling their work. All the info of the business is currently hold on within the computer and in remote servers.
  6. Accounting: Accounting package is run within the computer that makes monetary reports of the corporate or anyone. In shops, accounting package is additionally used for day to day calculation of the product.
  7.   Widely used: They are used by most of users at home. About 75% of U.S citizens use microcomputer at their home.
  8.  Research and information: Students and marketers use PCs for his or her analysis work. folks get data from the web then save the data on completely different package.
  9.   Connections with people: currently the globe is thought as a worldwide village. you'll connect with a person across the globe and communicate with a person via voice/video/text chat and emails. currently you'll share your views on any topic on-line.
  10.  Portability: These computers area unit simply transportable owing to their little size. within the previous days (1970-80) computers were huge and canopy the entire space. They weren't straightforward to maneuver from one place to a different.
  11. Low cost: PC’s were expensive in previous days however currently PC’s area unit cheaper and everybody should buy it simply. There are a unit kinds, many sorts, many varieties} of desktop computers relying upon processor type (i3, i5, i7). For common use, you'll purchase cheaper computer which will do your common works like web browsing and looking movies.
  12.  Accurate results: Human can make an error in the calculation but the computer is a very intelligent machine and it will give accurate result every time.
  13.  Multiple uses: One personal computer may be used for multiple functions e.g. printing, scanning, browsing the web, booking tickets on-linelooking movies, work of various users, taking part in games, storing information, accounting, creating games, apps and desktop package etc.

Disadvantage of Micro computer

  1.  Least powerful: PC’s have low process power as compared to mainframe and supercomputers.
  2.  Computer addiction: youngsters and time of life users get passionate about games and web uses. These activities have an effect on their day to day routine.
  3. Less storage: Desktops have less storage and for storage massive information you may want further storage devices.
  4. Weak in performance: several PC’s have low processor which will result pc performance e.g. taking part in games and running huge package is tough thereon PCs.
  5.   Negative physical effects: If you employ computer for an extended time then you may get physical effects like eye stain, neck pain and back drawback.
  6.  Difficult to upgrade: As desktop computer’s have completely different motherboards for each variety of processor therefore it's tough to upgrade PC for top performance.
  7. Lack of security: Hackers will hack your pc if it's connected to the web and your sensitive information may be purloined or loss by virus attack.
  8. Public safety: currently youngsters will have access to adult content and other people will read sensitive content that's not allowed by the govt.

Examples:- Desktop Computer, Laptop, Smartphone, Notebook, Tablet.

Why microcomputer is called micro?

Microcomputer is known as a ‘Micro’ because it is built up with a microprocessor chip.

Which is the first Microcomputer?

The Altair 8800 is the first successful commercial microcomputer that was designed in 1949.

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